Friday, April 8, 2011

Fred Wilson

We watched a PBS Art 21 video in class showcasing Fred Wilson as a guide for our next project. He is a curator of sorts, a collector, a man of many things (literally). He addresses racism in a lot of his work. What's different about Fred Wilson as an artist is that he rarely creates things with his hands - he puts things together that already exist. His work is entirely based around presentation. To put certain objects together can make very strong statements and he exploits that. By doing this, one may question not only the objects themselves, but museums in general. What is the job of a museum? Does a museum showcase (or glorify) art? artifacts? history? And how?

Drip Drop Plop

By Degree

(all images from art21)
Fred Wilson's favorite word should be juxtaposition. Art for him isn't necessarily something "pretty" for people to look at. Art for him is his activism. He's showing the world what's wrong with it, simply by showcasing the things they've made. It's a powerful thing.

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