Thursday, May 5, 2011


A regular customer came into my job today with some art books. I told him about what I was studying last week and he got really excited and brought me these books to look at. His favorite, and the one he wanted to talk about the most, was Pino. Pino is from Italy, and he was born in 1939. Sadly, he passed away last year. Anyway, the title of his book is "Contemporary Realism," in which he showcases beautiful oil paintings. They mostly feature women, but his touch is unique. He uses fast strokes, and his work has an impressionist feel. He puts the most detail usually within the face of the subject, and the backgrounds tend to be less detailed, and "carelessly" stroked with paint, leaving the evidence of the brush behind. I've never really been drawn to painting that much (pun intended), but looking at Pino's work makes me want to invest in some oil paints. Honestly, I don't even think I've ever seen oil paints.

I just looked this book up on Amazon, and it costs around $250. Wow. His paintings are really gorgeous, though. I'm really glad talking about art with a random customer brought me Pino.

The Last Dance


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