Friday, February 25, 2011

Dreamer Drawing

So for my drawing class we had to draw a classmate's head using hatching with compressed charcoal, white nupastel, and a red-brown/sienna nupastel. For the first half of class I was actually a model (there's a picture of my favorite drawing down below) which was pretty fun. My classmates had to draw 2 heads, and I only had to draw one, and I got to sit and do a crossword puzzle for an hour and a half. I found that my head would slowly start drooping the longer I sat, so I wasn't the perfect model, but I think  people got pretty good drawings out of it. It's weird being on the other end of the drawing, but I learned to block out all the people staring at me.

Anyway, for the second half of class, I drew a girl named Leah. Then, the following week we had to add a background, or "dream," to the drawing, including a place, an object and a person.

In the critique of this drawing it was mentioned that I needed to eliminate the line around Leah's face, and then add value overall. The drawing gets lost in the paper.

The drawing above is of myself and was done by a student named Raquel (and the one in the background is by Jacob). I think she did a really great job! It's kind of funny looking at 7 or 8 different drawings of yourself, because they all look so different. People have such a variety of perception.

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